We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Thursday, January 12, 2006

So we've been bad...

Yes, yes, yes. It's been forever since our last update.

The first reason is that we were busy hosting Becca's family. After they left, we've just been lazy. There. I said it.

However, this isn't the (possibly) long-awaited update. This is the promise of a fothcoming update. The visit with Becca's parents and brother was phenomenal. Loads of fun (I think) had by all. New foods were tried, new traffic laws (and their inability to actually affect what happens on the road) were witnessed, and Korean fermented beverages were sampled. Good times had by all (again, I think).

Anyway, a more detailed update coming up. This is just to let people know that we're still alive, and that the visit was awesome.

Oh yeah, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (which in Korean I believe is spelled 세헤 복마니 파드세요 - but either way it sounds like "se-he-bokmani-padusayo")


At 11:49 a.m., Blogger Cameron said...

Picture me looking slightly down, shaking my head slowly with an 'I expected much more from you' look on my face!

Then smiling and saying...whatever!
Happy New year!
Which in Welsh is Blwyddwyn Newydd Dda (to pronounce this, simply choke on a blue raspberry slurpee...the sound you make is a pretty good approximation)

At 3:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, Happy New Year to you both! Glad to hear you are both still alive and well, and that you had a great visit with Becca's family.


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