We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New souvenir

So Yesterday (Monday) morning I got a Korean driver's licence in preparation for the car rental and pick-up of Becca's parents, who arrive on the 25th (that's Christmas to the holiday-ly impaired) -- about which we are ridiculously excited, I might add.

I thought that it (the licence) would be harder to get, since I didn't even think to get an international licence before we left Canada, but all I needed to bring was my alien card, passport, three pictures (which cost 7000 won at a local dept store), my Canadian driver's licence and 10,000 won.

I filled in the forms, paid the money, and got an eye exam. Then they wanted to make sure that I could do one deep knee bend in a row, and was fully capable of wiggling my fingers.

Seriously. I had to squat then stand up again and wiggle the fingers on both hands in order to get my licence. But no road test. Just finger wiggling and squats.

Anyway, now I can legally drive (a car) in Korea, and have a nifty souvenir. Also, it seems that this licence doesn't expire for another 10 years, which is neat. I'm not sure why, but It's neat.

here it is:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com


At 3:41 p.m., Blogger Lindsay said...

They just wanted to see you do goofy things! :P

At 4:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on your licence Ry. :) I agree with Lindsay they just wanted to see what they could make foreigners do, it was simply for their amusement.


At 3:24 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with the girls, there is no actual calestenics test, they were just jerkin ya around, ah well! BTW Jenn is doing tons better she sends many thanks for the prayers. Cudos on being able to drive in Korea now. OH! by the way, the postal service is REALLY slow! So your Christmas gift will prolly be there by St Paddy's Day, but don't worry no later than that. And whatever you're sending, I will prolly get after you guys get back, lol. Anyways I must dash, toodles!


At 7:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh....there's a ninety year old woman at our church who recently renewed her driver's license in Ontario. She neither had to squat or wiggle all ten fingers to get her new license....and believe me if she had to do either she would not be on the road today. The Koreans may be on to something.

At 9:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

One deep knee bend, eh? Did they count for you or expect you to keep track in the middle of said exercise?

Cool record of your visit, though, eh?

What's Korean for "eh"?


At 3:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Merry Christmas Becca, Ryan I wish it was that simple to get a lisence here I beat Becca did too (hahaha) This is Heather by the way. Oh yes I've been reading along. Allen says hi. I just felt like writting...

At 1:02 p.m., Blogger Cameron said...

That is #3 on the 10 coolest things I have seen this week. You are pretty well THE man (if I send you my picture/passport/liscence/10,000 won will you get me one?)


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