We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ice cream sandwiches

So there are other more interesting and relevant posts on the way, with pictures and details and stories galore. There's the one talking about my birthday. There's another talking about our recent trip to Pusan on the South-East coast.

This one, however, will talk about ice cream sandwiches. Or more specifically, the ice cream sandwich that I am eating right at this very moment.

It's delicious.

Not just "run-of-the-mill ice cream sandwich" delicious, mind you, but "holy crap I'm eating what is possibly the greatest single example of dessert/snack-related ingenuity in the history of mankind, and it's got flavour to boot" delicious.

Yeah. That kind.

To give a bit of a snapshot into my background in ice cream sandwiches, we go way back. I've always enjoyed a quality ice cream sandwich, and for that matter have almost always been able to find some good in ice cream sandwiches that are mediocre at best. I do, however, have my share of problems with them.

For starters, I have wussy teeth. I'm man enough to admit it. I can't bite popsicles or chomp on ice cream, and I never have been able to. My teeth just can't handle the cold of it all. Therefore, my experience with ice cream sandwiches has always been akin to an unrequited love scenario. I've always loved the taste, but the experience has left a lot to be desired, since I usually have to wait until they melt a little, at which point when I try to break off pieces (yeah, that's right: I need two hands to eat them) they just kinda smush out the sides making a royal (but tasty) mess. The other thing is that the ice cream melts rather quickly, being exposed to the warmer air on all but two sides, and taking some heat from the warmth of your hands on the two that are slightly more protected. And your hands get cold and messy whilst eating them.

So those are my beefs with ice cream sandwiches.

Then I came to Korea.

Here, in this magical country, they have found solutions to all of my ice cream sandwich-related problems.

Their ice cream sandwiches (or at least the only kind of ice cream sandwich that I've seen) are ice cream completely encased in - get this - waffle.

I *KNOW*! Amazing, isn't it?

The waffle acts as a perfect insulator, so your hands don't get cold, the ice cream doesn't melt, and when it does, it's trapped so it doesn't get everywhere, *and* you can bite it cause the waffle is, as mentioned already, a great insulator so it's not cold at all.

All in all it's a ridiculously pleasant experience, and I wish that you all could try it. Unfortunately, you'll either have to come visit, start an ice cream sandwich factory (at which I expect to be offered a cushy job upon my return to the Western Hemisphere in exchange for giving you the idea) or just content yourself with the imagery conjured up by my adoring post devoted to this remarkable invention.

That's it. Just talking about an ice cream sandwich. I'm finished it, so the moment's fading somewhat, so I'll end here before I run out of steam.

A real post will be on the way soon, I promise. Pictures and everything.


At 8:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay.... the other Korean food you've described hasn't sounded all that appealing Ryan....but this sandwich thing I know I could try....even if it will be in January. Just one other question. Do they have Tetley tea?!!!

Thomas...if you read this....big hugs to you and your family. I can't believe you're a dad....cause that means I'm possible grandma age! Say hi to your folks for us.

Ryan, one of your grad school reference letters (from Trent) arrived yesterday. I hope you're all over your cold, and Bekka didn't catch it.

Miss you both,

At 11:10 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure about that one. We have experienced lipton wich is great - different from the stuff in Canada due to the triangular mesh bags but otherwise the same. They also have jam-like tea - comes in a bottle and you melt it into the hot water. My newest favorite is a ginger tea - wonderful stuff - we'll send you some!


At 8:26 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You HAVE to show me that when I get there in jan.

BTW, you get your senitive teeth from me - this has always been a problem for me as well (and I love ICS's too).

At 3:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there fellow cold-on-the-teeth sufferer! I thought I was the only one on this earth who zaps her ice cream!! Anyhow I also am an ice-cream -sandwich admirer or was. When I was a pre-teen living in Winnipeg a tru "outing" was a trip with Mom and assorted siblings to Eatons to shop. Shopping done, we almost always ended upstairs at the cafeteria where they sold those wonderful waffl ice cream sandwiches, made right now, hot waffle squares and a slice of ice cream between. Must have been disgustingly messy. Yes, a slice of the stuff because it came in bricks.
Enjoy your blogs although I've been away from them for a while.
Love to you both and a belated happy birthday, Becca. Gramma P.


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