We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Monday, December 12, 2005


My birthday....

Was amazing! The entire day was really wonderful. At work they got cake and a present for me! The present was a beautiful Korean tea set thing -- very unique. The cake was also ... unique. Nothing beats sweet potato on pizza apparently here. Sweet potato ice cream is likewise a favorite. I was utterly shocked though, at the Sweet potato cake that everyone enjoyed in the office! They actually cook the sweet potatoes and make a mush that they put as a layer of the cake. It wasn't that bad. Ryan was unfortunately on another anti vegetable binge in hopes of catching scurvy and therefore did not partake in the potato fun. (they have a lot of potato fun in Korea).

On the Friday night we had real cake (delicious) and also crab. Now I had mentioned that us cooking crab would be a neat thing to do together for my birthday and there happen to be an abundance of live crabs in the supermarket. What I didn't know, unfortunately is that the arch nemesis of Ryan, from the aquarium we went to, were also at the grocery store. I'm at work and Ryan has gone off to pick out a crab. He comes back and mentions that we do not have a pot large enough to hold the crab that he has gotten so it will be cooked at the grocery store. I become suspicious. We have rather large pots you see. Unusual, but perhaps crabs have longer legs than I am imagining. I get home and find a ferocious looking gigantic crab that Ryan is gleefully attempting to hack the limbs off. The giant crabs differ from normal crabs in several ways but the most important of these is the spikes that they have protruding from their exoskeleton. Think of a giant rose stem you initially hack off and then break open to eat. I think it was the best birthday present ever to have Ryan assert his 'provider' role while wrestling with a giant dead spiky thing. It was hilarious!

The following day we went to Seoul (that's right, it was a two day affair!) where I got a birthday present of boots and did Christmas shopping.

Well that's about it!

EDIT: photo server's back up. Here are the pictures:

First off, the crab itself:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Secondly, the epic battle:
Image hosted by Photobucket.com


At 5:00 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Becca!

About bloody time we got another blog! Just kidding, hehe! yes crab is good, I introduced Jolene to grab and if I wanted to play an april's fool joke on Jenn I would make her crab (hates seafood). So all of this sounds very exciting! OH! Do you guys have a coffee maker?

At 10:06 a.m., Blogger Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday Rebecca!!
Your post made me laugh out loud at work! People were looking at me funny.
That crab story was darn hilarious!

At 12:14 p.m., Blogger Cameron said...

It is funny how easy it is to picture a 'gleeful' Ryan hacking limbs off a giant spiky crab that refused to fit in even a large pot.

It is also funny how the natural funniness that emanates from the dynamic duo of the Paulsens comes across so well in your writings.

Happy Birthday and Happy Unbirthday respectively!


At 2:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
Can't wait to see the Man Vs. Crab pictures...

At 7:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Becca!!! It sounds like birthday's in Korea are, though very unlike here, just as much fun! We're about to leave for Florida so I'll be thinking about you and all our fun there!

At 1:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tee hee! Wow! You do have a wonderful way of telling your experiences! Yes, I was laughing at the antivegetable binge desiring to get scurvy as well as the GREAT epic of the crab tale! Tee hee! Even read parts to my roomie so she could laugh at it too! And happy birthday!
p.s. Yes, Steve introduced me to crab. And yes, it's great! So tender and yum!

At 7:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sound like a great brithday Becca!!

Ryan....eat your vegetables!


At 9:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great B-day gift. And to think that I had just sent you a giant squid via FedEx! Be careful unwrapping it - it may be some upset!

Ryan is quite saen to avoid sweet-potato birthday cakes like the plague. What next - zucchini candy canes??

Glad you had a good B-day and it's great to hear from you again.

At 11:05 a.m., Blogger Cameron said...

There are reactions that cannot be properly conveyed with words.
1. Seeing that Crab
2. The full magnitude of my joy to see a CitCaf T-Shirt!
High Fives to both of you!

At 4:03 p.m., Blogger arb® said...

any chance you'd be able to russle up a sweet potato cake recipe? since leaving korea, that's the one food i haven't been able to find-not even a recipe on the internet, which is why i stumbled across your blog.



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