We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Goodbye! Hello!

So to all none of you who read this anymore, we've left Korea, finished up our SE Asia adventure (which included a week in Taiwan, a week in Vietnam, a week in Laos, another week in Vietnam, a month living/working in Cambodia and a final week in Thailand) and have now officially moved in to our new apartment downtown Toronto.

It's a great location, so the smallness and high price of the place are compensated for, somewhat.

It was an amazing experience being in Korea, and Asia in general, and I can't imagine that we won't be back to at least a few of those countries in the years to come, but for right now it's time to reconcile ourselves to the fact that for the next two years we'll be broke in living in Canada.

Who knows where we'll end up after this round of schooling, hopefully somewhere interesting. We'll keep you posted somehow.

***end transmission***


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