We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Friday, November 10, 2006

Well we're big rock singers we've got golden fingers and we're loved everywhere we go...

Oh Dr.Hook, how great a debt everyone owes to you... *sniff*

Anyway, I realize that it's been quite some time between updates of late, so I thought I'd take a quick minute here to fill you in on some goings-on and some comings-up. I also realize that the last few posts have been exclusively about band stuff, but that's kinda what's new and going on.

We did go to the Chungju World Martial Arts Festival a while ago (like at the beginning of October...tee hee) and that was pretty rad. We saw demos from Brazil, Russia, France, New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya, Korea and Romania and for the most part they were quite good. All in all, good times, good times.

We've also been doing much more band stuff since the CD's come out, and we're stepping it up even more. We played a show at Pearl Jam on the 28th of October as a CD Release/Halloween party and had a blast. Here are some shots from that:

The following week we played a show at a big park downtown for a college's graduation party. It was actually the best stage set-up we've ever played with:

So much fun.

Anyway, from here, we've got 2 more shows up in Itaewon (in Seoul) and another one down south in a city called Gwangju, plus another one in the works for a different part of Seoul somewhere in there. We'll definitely try to get shots from those and keep you good folks updated.

Gotta run, ta for now!