We've lived in Korea for and right now in Korea it's

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

so this, too, is long overdue

Hi all.

Again, apologies for the massive delays in posting and updating. You may remember that two or three weekends ago, we were playing a show in Seoul, and I told you that I'd let you know how it went after the weekend had passed.

Well, it has most certainly passed, and here's your update.

The show went well, we thought. It definitely went a million and a half times better than the last one. There was only one technical glitch this time, and it had to do with our guitarist restringing his guitar that day, which meant that even if he was perfectly in tune during sound check, he would be terribly, cat-torturingly out of tune once we actually started to play. Luckily, he had another guitar handy, which maintained all its strings and its tuning throughout the rest of the show.

So that was that for technical glitches, and there weren't too many glitches of the musical variety either, so all in all it was a good time.

The bass player had someone tape the show for us and he made a DVD and gave us some copies. I duly ripped my copy, and uploaded the video, so if you right-click on THIS LINK and select "save link as..." or "save target as..." you'll be able to download the video of the show. The file's aroung 200MB and it's about 30 minutes long. Some of the songs were cut in various places because they featured some technical or mixing screw-ups, but most of the show is there, and it's more than enough to get a decent idea.

We've since learned yet another ... *ahem* ... idiosyncrasy about Korean culture that we weren't informed of earlier. Basically the day after we played the first show (where we sounded like crap) we had heard back from the owner telling us that he wanted us to play there again. This time it'd been about two weeks with no word on any other places to play, so I asked Jae-in (the owner of Pearl Jam -- our local bar -- and our 'manager') what was up, and he told me that in Korea, it is considered pretty bad image construction for a band to have a drink before they play, and quite scandelous indeed for someone in the band to have a beer up on stage with them.

Bear in mind that this is a country where you can easily just have soju or makkali before (if not *for*) breakfast.

Anyway, apparently we violated this unwritten rule, and thus had given the Club Spot owner pause. However, now that Jae-in has actually bothered to inform us of this little cultural tidbit, we seem to be back on track. At least that's what he says. He's contacting the stage managers for about 4-5 big outdoor summer rock festivals to see if he can get us on, and we're currently working on getting a CD together, since we've been told that recording in Korea is super cheap.

More updates as they come.
